Dhammajarinee was excited to welcome Thai leaders of society to inspire our students this month around the theme of, “If you can see it, you can be it.”
On 24 July, renowned Creative Director and Executive Producer, Paitoon Ratanasirintrawoot, addressed the grade 9-12 students. He shared highlights from his 20-year career, leading major projects at some of the biggest names in entertainment—including Disney, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, and Universal. He discussed finding inspiration and creativity, and motivated our students to follow their passions and leave a positive mark on society.
On 14 July, two leading women from the National Science Museum joined Dr. Stuart Kohlhagen’s intensive STEM training to give hundreds of students the rewarding feeling of solving challenging computational thinking challenges. They also shared their role with the National Science Museum and the meaningful work of a career in STEM.
We are very moved to see “If you can see it, you can be it” happening daily at the school. With graduates receiving prestigious scholarships and pursuing advanced degrees such as aerospace engineering and veterinary medicine, younger students see their older peers as role models and believe that they too can achieve their dreams.
We thank these leaders from Thailand for giving our students a vision of the potential for their lives, and to all our great donors for making it possible for them to be realized.