We are excited to share that on 18 October, Dhammajarinee’s Director of 31 years, Dr. Aunampai Passakchai (Acharn Yai), received an award from Panyapiwat Institute of Management (PIM) for her contribution to culturing capable and ethical individuals, fostering critical thinking, and developing practical skills at Dhammajarinee Witthaya School. DWS was also recognized as a model institution for 2024 at the "PIM SMART STAR" alumni event. This honor is the result of Acharn Yai’s dedication and tireless efforts to develop the school into a place of quality learning.
PIM is a well-respected university and the only one of its kind in Thailand—offering 65% course work and 35% internship so that students are ready for employment upon graduation. PIM has signed an MOU with DWS, where, as part of the agreement, PIM has trained DWS teachers to offer a broad range of college-credit PIM courses, and PIM and gives scholarships to DWS students to attend their University.
Please enjoy the photos of Acharn Yai accepting the award, with the other honorees, and with DWS graduates now at PIM.
