Dhammajarinee Witthaya School offers a holistic education with traditional academics according to the Thai national curriculum along with STEM, vocational training, the arts, culturing in Thai values, and personal development to unfold the full creative potential of every student.
Active Learning Method
Active learning engages students in the course material through lively discussions, problem-solving, case studies, role-playing, and other hands-on approaches to learning.
STEM and Vocational Skills Training
STEM is incorporated into the curriculum for all students in grades 1-12. This includes extensive training in computing and college-level, for-credit courses in technology, engineering, innovative agricultural management, business in the digital age, and nursing. Additionally, grades 7-12 participate in vocational training so that they can be self-sufficient after graduation and always have the ability to support themselves and their families. The vocational skills include graphic design and presentation, computer programming, video editing, setting up and repairing computers, business accounting, culinary arts, dessert and pastry-making, traditional Thai handicrafts, and beautician work.
Stress management and self-development and programs for faculty, students, and staff

The school employs meditation and yoga to help manage stress and form a foundation of inner peace, confidence, creativity, and happiness. Ongoing socioemotional workshops include topics such as conflict resolution, teamwork, empowerment, and career guidance for students.
Extra-curricular activities
After school, the students participate in a variety of activities, including:

Buddhist teachings
As Thailand is over 94% Buddhist, most students follow Buddhism. The school teaches universal Buddhist principles, including compassion, global citizenship, morality, ethics, and service. The school does not discriminate based on religion, and Buddhist classes and Buddhist recitation are optional for non-Buddhist students.